Ray has told the vestry it is time for him to step down: given his "two weeks notice," as they say. That means it is time for one of you, or maybe two or three of you, to step up so the ministry can continue. In the current economy this part of our cathedral ministry is an especially vital one.
What is involved in this volunteer position? The best way to get a handle on that is to talk with Ray himself. I can tell you that the position requires transportation and financial responsibility. Getting food supplies, and some dry goods, from various suppliers is involved, as is recruiting people to pickup the "Sunday morning bread" from Avalon Bakery late each Saturday afternoon. Have a positive impact; see the difference one person (You!) can make; live fully into God’s plan that we are blessed to be a blessing to others. We are all called to make a difference! Talk to Ray.
There are other opportunities …
- Altar Guild – helping setup, clean-up and care for vessels and vestments for worship
- Wedding Coordinator – assisting the clergy and helping brides and grooms at rehearsals and weddings
- Office Volunteer – so many different opportunities there is surely one to fit you
- Working the Sound board for services and other Cathedral events
- Being an Usher – a host really, to help friend and stranger to feel welcome at the Cathedral
- Acolytes (altar servers) for weekend or even weekday services
- Vergers – coordinating multiple aspects of worship before, during and after services
- Eucharistic Visitors – taking the Sacrament of Holy Communion from worship directly to those who cannot be with us
- Leading Education opportunities
- Writing articles for the Digest Online
- Be a Cathedral Crafter
- Tend one or more of the garden areas on the Cathedral grounds
- Lead the Christmas Feast effort
These are but a few of the many ways to make a difference. Step-up and try one, or more, and find out what the power of faith and works combined can do for others and for you.
God’s peace,