There is a lot going on at this time of year here at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. There is much to celebrate and much to be thankful about.
Through the efforts of Bishop Gibbs’ staff, most particularly Jo Ann Hardy, the Cathedral Chapter and Vestry, especially Jim Hooker, and the Cathedral staff, especially Chris Hooker, Jeremy Tarrant, and Deacon Watton, the Garden of St. Andrew the Fisherman was dedicated this past Saturday. It was a poignant day for those whose loved ones were impacted by the changes at the former St. Andrew’s, Clawson. Nonetheless, they found both welcome and solace here, and it was good that on that day we could be there for them as their cathedral.
The prayer of dedication reminded us of its Trinitarian purpose to be a place of quiet and peace for the living, consolation and comfort for the mourning, and rest and repose for the departed.
This coming Sunday brings a multitude of opportunities to celebrate and engage.
- This Sunday is our fall Stewardship In-Gathering Sunday. Please bring your pledge cards to be offered and blessed. This will happen at each service. There will be special additions to each Coffee Hour, too.
- The Choir Parents Guild will be offering a Soup ‘n Salad lunch after the 10:30 service (suggested donation is $5.). This is a great way to settle in and listen …
- Now & Forever, a presentation by the Planned Giving Committee, led by Sr. Warden Jim Edwards, features Kara Ferrara (a colleague of Tony Ilardi) offering expert information on planned giving and other ways to be intentional about sustaining the cathedral in a tax savvy manner.
On Wednesday evening you are invited to join us, and bring friends, family and guests, to our Thanksgiving Eve service. It starts at 7:00 pm and is a wonderful way to begin your days of intentional thankfulness.
The Sunday after Thanksgiving brings us to Advent and the celebration of the new church year, as well as the time of preparing our hearts and homes for the coming of Christ. Our choirs help us to do that in a special way each year with the peace-filled service known as the Advent Procession on Sunday, November 27 at 4:00 pm.
More to come after that: Noel Night (December 3 from 5:00 – 9:30) Cathedral Tours and Talks, music by the choir, mini-concerts by our two fabulous organists. There will be Animals of the Nativity on Woodward lawn, and at 8:00 in the Cathedral the Five Lakes Silver Band (a 30 piece brass band) in concert. The Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings Holiday Concert on Dec. 4 at 7:30 pm will be a musical treat for the season – they will have a 100 voice choir with them this year. An Advent Quiet Time starting at 3:00 and concluding with Vespers in the Taize style at 5:00 will be offered on December 11th. Greening of the Cathedral on December 18 after the 10:30 service precedes Lessons and Carols at 4:00 followed by with a wonderful dinner host by the Cathedral Chapter in Barth Hall.
And just enough time…
God's peace and my prayers,