the moon and the stars you have set in their courses,
5 What is man that you should be mindful of him? *
the son of man that you should seek him out?
the son of man that you should seek him out?
6 You have made him but little lower than the angels;
you adorn him with glory and honor;
you adorn him with glory and honor;
7 You give him mastery over the works of your hands; *
you put all things under his feet:
you put all things under his feet:
8 All sheep and oxen, *
even the wild beasts of the field,
even the wild beasts of the field,
9 The birds of the air, the fish of the sea, *
and whatsoever walks in the paths of the sea.
and whatsoever walks in the paths of the sea.
10 O LORD our Governor, *
how exalted is your Name in all the world! (Psalm 8:4-10 NRSV)
how exalted is your Name in all the world! (Psalm 8:4-10 NRSV)
The rich
imagery of Psalm 8, the psalm appointed for this past Sunday, is compelling in
so many ways. Written at a time when
people, not some but nearly all, labored sunup to sundown, day in and day out,
simply to provide enough sustenance for survival, the writer is
reflective. “When I consider your
heavens…. What is man[kind]…?” The
writer is awed by the Divine, but almost equally taken by the role God has
assigned to his kind (to us). We are
“but little lower than the angels”, and we have been assigned mastery over the
work of God’s own hands.
It is no
stretch then to arrive at the realization that we are, by Divine Appointment,
stewards of the works of God. Stewards
we are: of all sheep and oxen, even the wild beasts of the field, birds of the
air, fish of the sea and other creatures of the sea. Stewards of life: terrestrial, avian, and
aquatic. Seems nothing has been left
out. I wonder, as I reflect on
psalmist’s revelation, about how the buffalo of the Great Plains might regard
our work. If asked, what would the great
whales and the coral reefs of the oceans, and even our nearby Rouge River
say? How are the great condors of our
pacific coast fairing; the tigers of Siberia, the bees and the associated
flowers, shrubs, and lands?
If we possess
even a grain of honesty, we can rightly conclude that humankind’s stewardship
of the Divine’s handiwork is greatly lacking.
Over the ages we have demonstrated a far greater ability to advance own
agenda and serve first our own needs without consideration of God’s creation. Further, I’ll go out on a limb here, I believe
at one time or another everyone’s individual stewardship of the things given us
has been more focused on self than on being a steward created but little lower
than the angels.
The Good News
is God has not taken the job away from us.
We have a chance to change – if we are doing a good job, we can do
better. If we have not given this much
thought, or dismissed it when it has entered into our moments of reflection, we
can return our attention to it, and start to advance from where we are.
This is typically
(financial) stewardship season in the life of many congregations. Those resources are no less a part of what
God has entrusted to us than the beasts and birds, the aquifers and acres. So too then, the Good News applies to these
things as well. Like the psalmist we can
reflect. Because of God’s continued
assignment to us of the role of masters (of the craft) of being stewards, we
can change. We can grow in
understanding, faithfulness, action and generosity.
As with all who
have been given charge over things that matter our day of accountability will
come. As I contemplate that day, I am
reminded that to whom much is given, from them much will be expected. Not because God is overbearing, but because
God knows our capacity.
May God
continue to bless us as we strive to fulfill the Divine trust in our capacity
as stewards.
Your brother in
PS Don’t forget, Pledge In-Gathering Sunday is
October 28. Plan to join us to place
your pledge card on the altar. If you
cannot be with us, send it on to us before the 28th and we will be
sure to place it there for you.