Tuesday, October 18, 2011

That Your Joy May Be Complete

"That your joy may be complete"  John 15:11

Stewardship 2012 

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In St. John’s gospel, Jesus, speaking to his followers, wants most of all for his joy to be in them that their joy may be complete. He bids his disciples, his followers, peace. Then he assures them that they are loved and invites them to abide in that love so that his joy may be in them that their joy may be complete.

We do not have to look very hard for the worldly challenges that crowd in on each of us, and that can, if we allow it, try to steal away the joy that God intends for us. This joy is the kind of joy that meets the challenges of the world and overcomes them day by day in miraculous ways. God’s joy lifts us, enfolds us, and carries us through the changes and chances of our daily journey. When we do not have enough of something, there is always enough, and more, of God’s love, our source of true joy. The completeness of that joy is fulfilled when we respond to Jesus’ love in all the parts of our life with love. Generosity in sharing and giving what we have is a very real part of a full response to Christ’s love and the completeness of our joy.

It is impossible to take a full measure of God’s love and the blessing in our lives. Still, reflecting on them and celebrating them is important! Why? The celebration of joy minimizes the weight of challenges.

Completing our joy, invites our participation with our hearts, our time, our talents and our treasure. We cannot choose one of these things and ignore the others. Please consider all of the ways in which God has dealt generously with you. To respond with gifts from all of them is to take great steps toward knowing the complete joy that Jesus want for each of us.

Enclosed you will find a 2012 Pledge Card. Please fill it out completely and present it at the appropriate time during the service on Sunday, November 20. You can also go to the Cathedral website (www.detroitcathedral.org) and to download and complete a pledge card. Our goal is 100% commitment. Please join us in making that a reality.

Dean Hunter and Your Stewardship Committee

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cathedral Joy - An Update and Invitation

Dear Cathedral Family, 
I write to tell you of some particular joys in the journey of the Cathedral. Two of them are financial events, one of them is an opportunity to share in the joy of the mission and ministry of the Cathedral for 2012, and the final one is a chance to make a Centennial Gift to future generations of the Cathedral (from which we will benefit too). 
  • Two important financial events – First, we were able to refinance the debt on the Waller Health Center building in a way the provides a better than market interest rate and will retire the debt completely in twelve years. This financing will benefit both the Cathedral and the Cathedral Foundation, and both the Vestry and the Foundation Trustees are to be congratulated on coming to a mutually beneficial solution. Second, we have closed on the sale of the property formerly occupied by Crossroads, and in a way that retires the debt on that property and fulfills other obligations tied to its sale.

  • That your joy may be complete – Jesus desired that his joy be in us that our joy may be complete. One of the ways we respond to the joy of life in Christ is by celebrating and sharing our blessings. An important way we do that is by supporting the mission and ministry of the Cathedral. While the tithing is the norm in the Episcopal Church, it all really begins with joyful giving hearts. You will find enclosed in this mailing the Stewardship Committee’s letter to the Cathedral community along with a pledge card. Your participation and response are important. Your gift of tithes and offerings makes a difference; it makes things happen! In-gathering Sunday will be November 20th, but you may return the card by mail or in the offering plate at any time.
  • A Gift for the Next Generations: Cooling the Cathedral – One hundred years ago this year our predecessors in the faith dedicated this Cathedral to the glory of God and the spiritual growth of their generation and generations to come. The cathedral itself was their gift to us and to succeeding generations. The Vestry and I have been exploring a way to make a gift to mark the centennial of the Cathedral’s dedication that would benefit (current and) future generations. From an evangelism standpoint, the gift of air conditioning the cathedral is a great undertaking because we know through many studies that those seeking a spiritual home will not sit through hot services when there are cool services offered with equal or greater ease. So you are invited to make a gift to the next generations, and enjoy its benefits as well. The goal is to raise $30,000 by the Annual Meeting on January 29, 2012. We are pleased to tell you that as of today we have gifts totaling $15,000 toward that goal. Your gift of any size is welcome. It can be in this tax year (2011), the next tax year (2012), or both – whatever works best for you. Please see the enclosed insert and act soon so you can be a part of thanking our forebearers and gifting our future Cathedral family.
Our Wardens, Vestry and I hope you will celebrate with us in word and in action the good news of the Cathedral’s increasing operational and missional health, and in financial support of the work that God continues to call us to be and to become.
God’s grace, peace and joy be with you,
Our Vision is to be an extraordinary spiritual gathering place where people of all backgrounds and ages are welcome to question and learn, pray, worship and serve; being loved by God in ways that change and improve their lives and the lives of others.